Monday 9 January 2012


Intertextuality means "to describe the visual referencing between films". Its when films borrow aspects or inspiration from another film. Sometimes its noticeable for the audience, for example they may recognize certain camera angels, mise en scene, sound or even the editing that they have seen in other movies but sometimes this isn't the case.

Psycho famous - 'slasher scene':
We watch the shower scene of Psycho which is a very famous scene within the thriller/horror genre. This is because this scene is what started the 'slasher genre' and before this there was never an on screen person attacking another with a knife/razor or another associated with that.

Aspects of Psycho used in 'What lies beneath':
In the scene of What lies beneath that we watched, it shows a man holding what we think is his wife probably after he tried to 'kill her' and takes her to the bathroom, puts her in the bath tub and turns the shower on. It seems as though he tried to drown her and make it seem like she did it to herself. 
Aspects that were borrowed from Psycho is the shower aspect, use of the bath, and the "shell shocked" expression on the woman's face.

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