Sunday 29 January 2012

Genre & Sub-genre

A genre is the similarities in which a film or the way in which it is constructed. For example elements that make a certain type of film, so whether it contains a lot of action and is more loud or is it shows more of a romantic lighter side. Genre is important because it gives the producer a template to work on so they know at least what type of movie they want to make and therefore what type of audience it will appeal to. Also it can give them and idea of the sort of cast they want to have as some actors/tresess only associate themselves with certain genres.

A sub-genre is a subcategory within a particular genre. For example both films would be categorized as 'thriller'. However just by looking at the posters you can see they would be under two different sub-genres. The Others is a more psychological thriller as you can see from the woman's facial expression she looks as if she is in her own element. Also looking at the type of font the title is written in and the typo on the letter 'O' you can straight away define it as a psychological thriller.

Fair Game however would be under the crime thriller sub-genre. This is also very noticeable from looking at the poster. As both characters are dressed in a very formal manner and look very serious. The stamp outline could also suggests that they are apart of some sort of police force and actors/tresses involved are usually associated with these kind of films.

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