Monday 19 March 2012


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation refers to an aspect of reality such as people, places, events and other abstract concepts. The term also refers to the relation to key markets of identity such as class, age, gender and gender shown (represented) in people.  In TV we tend to see very typical stereotyped representations, so the men always coming across as very masculine, the ones making money for the family, the hero and so on. The women on the other hand are always being portrayed as the damsel in distress, the housewife looking after the children or something that flaunts her body. Because this is what we are used to seeing in TV it has become of norm. 

I think what is meant by social group is a group of people that share some social relation whether that be age, ethnicity, gender and so on. We don’t have much variation in terms of social representation in our film, we only have a single mother and a child being represented. 

Because our film is based on a mother who lost her child I think the way we represented her is a typical a portrayal of a single mother mourning over a dead child. Because we did shots of the mother looking stressed, drinking and drowning her sorrows by smoking and so on which is what you would usually see in films or TV dramas; you wouldn’t see her in a happy mood. We made sure we stereotyped the way a single mother is portrayed in the media emphasized on the fact that the mother was in a low place showing a weaker side to her which is what 
would come to mind when thinking of a mother who lost her child.

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