Monday 12 March 2012

Evaluation of our film opening: Question 1

·      In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Real media productions convey the use of camera such as track, pan, tilt and the use of a range of different camera shots such as long shots, close ups, medium close up, extreme close up, wide shot, over the shoulder shot, cut in e.c.t. To portray real media productions in our film opening we used a range of shots. In our film opening we decided to use different camera shots to make our film opening more interesting. Here's an example of some of the camera shots we used in our film opening:

Medium close up.
Long shot.

extreme wide shot.
For a film to work there has to be a clear theme or genre in order for the film to work. Themes are also used to attract a certain age of people who would be most suitable audience to enjoy and view the film. The theme of our film opening was supernatural thriller, the audience which our film would be most suitable for is older people as the story line of our film opening would apply aspects of sadness. However i think that the age of certificate for our film would be 15+ as there wouldn't be any elements of any gory violence or death just concerning supernatural elements.

Also in real media productions they use a variety of mise en scene to convey and support the elements needed to support their wanted genre and theme,  this is achieved from a range of different costume, make up, different locations, body language and props. Below is the choice of our chosen mise en scene and why:

Above is our chosen main location to film our film opening. our chosen location was St Mary's church in upper street. We chose to film here as we found that this location supported our film opening as we found the location  spooky because of the shapes of the trees and the gaves. 
The second location we chose to do our filming was in a house as we wanted to portray the grieving mother separately from her 'dead daughter' we did this as we didn't want to confuse the audience with portraying the same location for every shot. We also did this because we wanted to cross cut between the mother and the daughter. When filming here we used lighting equipment to create a dark and depressing atmosphere.
Costume which was needed for our film opening was a white dress and blood on it . We decided to create this costume as we wanted to show to the audience that the little girl has been murdered and was dead. We had to create this costume with the use of fake pre-made blood which was made and applied before filming. 

The body language in our film opening of our mother character 
was shown to be stressed and upset through her body language.
This is shown from her body language such as putting her head down
with her hands on her head to show her stress and to show the
pain she is feeling.

 In real life media productions they also follow tittle of film openings. We included various different film tittles. However we didn't successful manage to achieve the correct order of title sequences as we failed to include all titles needed. 

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