Wednesday 14 December 2011

Art of the title sequence film opening convention of; Se7en

The film that I'am going to analyse is the thriller  film Se7en (1995) by David Fincher.

The conventions of film openings seen in seven (stylized in some publications as 'Se7en') are:
Firstly the film starts off with the name of the distribution company. The name of the Distribution company is the first thing the audience sees before the actual film title. The Distribution company is then followed by the name of the Production company.

After the production company is shown the director of the film, David Fincher's name appears with a creepy drawing of hands, already telling the audience the genre of the movie and what they could except.

The Character's names is a common convention that is always excepted to come up in an opening of a film and Se7en does no different. The first character name is Brad Pitt and this suggests to the audience that he is the main character and the one character that is going to be mostly shown on camera. Another gruesome hand is shown after his name to build even more tension and threaten the audience.

The title of the film appears in a small font size with large caps and white colour lettering as the previous titles. At some point the text of the film name was flashing like a light bulb.

Editing & Music:
In terms of editing the type of editing used in Se7en during the title scene where the names were introduced was very jumpy and fast movement slightly going all over the place yet very fascinating to watch as a audience because it has immediently got their attention.  The music is a very fast pace electronic and upbeat soundtrack which sounds like a few instruments is playing along with it. This sets the mood of the audience.

Mise En Scene:
Finally the ending of the film opening consists of buildings that has the day Monday written in block Capital letters with white colour. This specific shot may have a specific meaning that would later be shown in the film. Buildings are usually from cities so this prop has given the audience an idea of where the location and setting for Se7en is. 


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